When Is a Person Responsible for Getting His Ownself Shitface Drunk?

May 24, 2007 at 3:48 pm

Not in this instance, allegedly.

Congratulations to all who had "25 days" in the How Long Will It Take to File a Josh Hancock Wrongful Death Lawsuit Pool.

And kudos to those who singled Newman Bronson & Wallis as the local personal-injury firm.

Pat "We Offered to Call Him a Cab" Shannon's middle-of-the-night phone call to St. Louis police chief Joe Mokwa was what we in the trade like to call a "red flag": Someone was gonna sue Mike Shannon's Steaks and Seafood in the wake of the fatal drunk-driving misadventure; it was merely a question of who and when.

Along with Mark Bronson, Claude F. Clayton Jr., Keith C. Kantack and J. Kristopher White, all of Tupelo, Mississippi; and S. Ray Hill III, of Oxford, Mississippi, are reportedly listed as representing the plaintiff, Dean Hancock, Josh Hancock's father.

Shannon's has company: Listed as co-defendants are the tow-truck company whose vehicle Hancock's rented SUV plowed into and the driver of the disabled car the tow-truck driver had come to the aid of.

In the Post-Dispatch's story, reporter Heather Ratcliffe quotes the lawsuit as saying:

"The intoxication of Joshua Morgan Hancock on said occasion was involuntary."
