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Imperial Entertainment

Tammy and the T-Rex

Tammy and the T-Rex, the first film for both Paul Walker and Denise Richards, would be entirely unknown if it weren't so terrible. Instead it's remembered as a bizarre car crash of a film, thanks to its nonsensical plot. Evil scientist Dr. Wachenstein implants the brain of the murdered teen Michael (Paul Walker) into the brain of a mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex he just happens to have. Michael-Rex escapes to reunite with his girlfriend Tammy (Denise Richards), while the scientist tries to recover his project. The effects aren't great, the acting is subpar and the film looks like it was shot all in the same neighborhood because it was. Tammy and the T-Rex has recently been restored to its former glory by Vinegar Syndrome, which took pains to restore all the gory violence that had been trimmed to secure a PG-13 rating. This "gore cut" of the film is the one the Webster Film Series will screen at 9 p.m. Friday, November 22, at Webster University's Moore Auditorium (470 East Lockwood Avenue; Tickets are $5 to $7.

— Paul Friswold