Kazoobie Ka-BLAMMO!

Jun 30, 2011 at 4:00 am
The Compton Heights Concert Band opens its 2011 season with special guest (and kazoo-meister) Rick Hubbard, who will hand out kazoos and then offer instruction in the finer points of kazoology. The goal is to get the audience to accompany Rick and the CHCB for a song, and for a shot at the Guiness World Record for largest kazoo ensemble. Then soprano Beverly Stewart-Anderson joins the band for a few songs, and the evening ends with the traditional performance/percussion of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, with a real Civil War-era cannon firing at the appropriate musical moments. Come celebrate Independence Day with a truly unique evening, starting at 7:30 p.m. at Tower Grove Park (4256 Magnolia Avenue; stlouis.missouri.org/501c/chband/summer2011.html). Admission is free.
Mon., July 4, 2011