Sam Raimi's Evil Dead film series has an ardent fan base because of its unique combination of shocking violence and whacko humor. Evil Dead: The Musical ratchets up those two elements to ridiculous highs -- or is it lows? It might be both. The freewheeling product of a gang of Raimi fanatics, Evil Dead: The Musical tells the story of a Ash, a young man who wants to get laid at a remote cabin, but ends up killing everyone around him in increasingly more gory ways under the influence of a demonic book. Blood flows by the gallons and vats, particularly for those who sit in the front rows, a.k.a., "the Splatter Zone." Stray Dog Theatre presents the ridiculous Evil Dead: The Musical at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday (October 10 through November 2) at Tower Grove Abbey (2336 Tennessee Avenue; 314-865-1995 or Tickets are $18 to $20, or $35 if you want to take your chances in the Splatter Zone.
Thursdays-Saturdays. Starts: Oct. 10. Continues through Nov. 2, 2013