You Bet Your Glass

Mar 19, 2008 at 4:00 am
Going out is awesome. You get to catch up with your friends, relax over a few drinks, meet new folks — all fun things to do. But when you're out, you don't often get anything permanent and lasting from the evening. Sure, that guy you dragged home might hang around for a few days, or even a month, but that's not the type of thing you can enjoy forever. The Third Degree Glass Factory (5200 Delmar Boulevard; 314-367-4527 or wants to help. Tonight, during the Third Friday fun happening there, you can take part in all of the usual going-out goings on — there's a cash bar, band Trigger 5 performs, an art show opens, and charming people mingle — plus, you can decorate a glass egg to take home! To show the Easter Bunny! He'll be so proud! And that egg will last a lot longer than any silly dude (as long as you're careful with your delicate creation, that is). Cost to make an egg is $20, and the participatory-craft part of the evening runs from 7 to 9 p.m. (Third Friday is from 6 to 10 p.m. and is free).
Fri., March 21, 2008