The Royale Closes Briefly to Go Local

Mar 29, 2011 at 8:00 am

If you need a brisket taco or spin-art fix, you're going to have to wait until Tuesday night. The Royale's going to be closed for lunch today. Last night proprietor Steven Smith tweeted:

we'll be closed tomorrow day(3/29) & be OPEN tomorrow night @ 6 for dinner & drinks to debut the NEW FOOD MENU. Menu up on website soon!less than a minute ago via web

Gut Check got a sneak peek at the new menu, which Smith says will be, "More local-ish, best we can."

They're keeping most of the favorites, but they're changing a lot of their sourcing and looking for more seasonal flexibility.

Smith said, "The fish is no longer from China. That sucked. Best I could do was catfish from Mississippi. We got Missouri Grassfed Beef. We are using Missouri ham from Greenwood Farms, and house-made pico de gallo with [St. Louis-made] San Luis tortilla chips.

"Nothing radical yet, but our aim was to streamline so we could have much more flex during the seasons. We were too constricted with the last menu for making bigger changes on the season.

"The brisket taco is on seasonal now, so that woulda thrown people off, but that one will be fun for us to play with come summer when we pull it."

The first seasonal menu features the Missouri Burger (8 ounce of Missouri Grassfed Beef), the Missouri Grilled Ham and Cheese (Greenwood Farms ham), Brisket Tacos, Mac and Cheese, and the Veggie Burrito.

(h/t to Annie from A to Z.)