County Police Offer "SKYWARN" Training to the Public

Aug 19, 2009 at 12:15 pm
Look! Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No! It's a f@%#ing funnel cloud! -
Look! Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No! It's a f@%#ing funnel cloud!
Ever want to be a storm spotter, but just didn't know if you have what it takes?

Well, you're in luck. The St. Louis County Police Department this fall is offering free SKYWARN training to anyone interested. 

That's right! Now you can be one of those good citizens who calls into the National Weather Service during storms to offer your very own "SKYWARN" report.

Think of the responsibility! The glory! The celebrity!

Read all you need to know about the training program after the jump. It's RFT's "Press Release o' the Day."
For immediate release
August 19

The St. Louis County Police Department and Office of Emergency Management will be offering "Skywarn" Severe Weather Observer Training to all citizens interested in severe weather recognition, reporting, and safety.

These seminars teach severe weather safety, how to recognize potentially severe weather, and how to accurately report the conditions you are observing.

SKYWARN Level 1 training is offered from 9:00AM to 12:00PM, with Level 2 training available from 1:00 to 4:00PM. The training will be held on Saturdays, at the following locations:
  • September 12 - Jefferson Barracks Park Visitors Center, 345 North Road
  • October 17- Queeny Park Recreation Center, 550 Weidman Road

Prior registration is not required for these classes and there is no charge. Everyone is welcome and you need not attend all classes. Certification will be issued to those completing each class. Level 1 is the basic class required for all observers with additional information and training provided in the optional Level 2 seminar.

All citizens are urged to take advantage of this training opportunity and provide a much needed community volunteer service. Amateur radio operators who attend the training become participants of the Radio Amateur Civilian Radio Service (RACES), the St. Louis County Police sponsored emergency services amateur radio assistance network.

SKYWARN- more than just a weather class. This is information that could save your life!

For more information, contact Michael Redman, Communications Coordinator, at 314-615-5362 or [email protected].