David Scott Charged with Murdering Roger Wilkes, St. Louis Homicide No. 83, for Cheetos

Sep 6, 2012 at 8:59 am
David Scott, charged with murdering Roger Wilkes.
David Scott, charged with murdering Roger Wilkes.
David L. Scott, 49, has been identified as the man who stabbed Roger Wilkes, 42, Tuesday night in a dispute over a bag of Cheetos. Scott has been charged with second-degree murder and armed criminal action in the case. The murder occurred in the 600 block of Broadway, near the Convention Center MetroLink station.

According to the probable cause statement filed with the charges, multiple witnesses saw the two men arguing over the snack. Scott then pulled a knife and stabbed Wilkes once in the chest. Police recovered the knife.

Scott has several prior convictions for second- and third-degree assault, burglary, felony stealing and the robbery of a Post Office. He's currently on supervised release for that last crime, after serving 96 months for the federal offense. His criminal record dates back to 1984.