Stacy Davis Charged with Murder; Woman Overdosed, Found in Alley, Buried Under TV

May 17, 2013 at 9:30 am
click to enlarge Stacy Davis, 29. - SLMPD
Stacy Davis, 29.

Police say that Stacy Davis, a 29-year-old St. Louis man, provided Carmen Cross, 30, with heroin and cocaine, which she combined into a cocktail and injected. After the first dose, she allegedly went comatose and was only revived after she took a cold shower and had a warm saline solution injected into her.

About one hour later, Davis -- who was present when the woman went comatose -- sold her more heroin and cocaine, police say.

Two days later, police found her body dumped in an alley on a trash heap, hidden under a flat-panel television.

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Davis is now facing second-degree murder charges along with multiple charges of distributing a controlled substance.

According to the charges filed yesterday, full probable cause statement below, Davis is currently on parole for a long list of offenses, including possession, distribution, robbery, second-degree and armed criminal action, both in the city and county. The overdose happened at a College Hill address, police say.

The report says he had been providing Cross with narcotics for "some period of time" and that it was the combination of heroin and cocaine that proved to be fatal.

After the first near-death injection, Davis sold her more drugs, police say, which she again intravenously injected. Officials say she died a short while later.

It's unclear if Davis or someone else dumped her body -- but nonetheless, police found her in an alley buried under trash.

She was discovered in the neighborhood in the middle of February.

Months later, police have traced it back to the suspect.

Here's the full probable-cause statement from the Circuit Attorney's Office.

Stacy Davis Probable Cause Statement

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