A Greener Lawn

Jun 21, 2012 at 4:00 am
The average American back yard isn’t just for barbecues and honing your lawnmowing skills anymore. That humble patch of ground outside your kitchen window can feed you and your family while doing right by the environment. Nationwide, the movement toward organic garden plots and rainwater-collection systems has caught on in a huge way, and of course St. Louis is no exception. Find out exactly what’s going on locally on the Sustainable Backyard Tour, which takes place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m on Sunday, June 24. The tour is comprised of more than 50 yards in homes across a swath of the St. Louis area, city and county alike. The yards included represent widely varying stages of concept, budget, setting and degree of completion, so your afternoon will be a nicely jumbled democratic sampler. The tour is free, but you must preregister for a virtual ticket at www.sustainablebackyardtour.com.
Sun., June 24, 2012