Grand Grand

Jul 12, 2006 at 4:00 am
An artist's muse can be far-flung and esoteric, and oftentimes, the product of this inspiration will transport the viewer through time and space, and even reveal a deeper truth through art. Fun times. Occasionally, though, it's nice to reflect upon artworks with a familiar impetus — a theme that stirs something special in St. Louisans in particular. The people at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (3750 Washington Boulevard; 314-535-4660 or must buy into that theory, because they're opening Centering on the Grand on Friday, June 30, at the museum. This exhibit features photographs, paintings and prints by Peter Marcus, Bill Kohn and Robert Pettus that highlight the buildings of Grand Center. Not only are many, if not all, of these structures works of art in and of themselves, but several of them house arts organizations, too. So you could say this show is centered on art, about art, enclosing art (or something like that).

Also opening on Friday at CAMSTL is Selections from the Contemporary's Flat Files, an exhibit that will continually rotate during its nearly two-month run (both shows come down on Sunday, August 20). By showcasing regional artists who are confined to work on paper and on a small-scale as part of a special program just launched at the museum, Selections promises to add even more local flair — and to help drive home the point that St. Louis is full of art, if you just look around.
Tuesdays-Sundays. Starts: June 30. Continues through Aug. 20