In 1977, David Bowie famously wondered about "Sound and Vision" in a song with that very name, a fitting query for an artist who's as focused on his visual aesthetic as his musical style. But Bowie was hardly the first musician to marry the visual and the aural, and artists have been toying with sensual interplay for centuries. The St. Louis Artists' Guild (2 Oak Knoll Park, Clayton; 314-727-6266 or opens its multiexhibition series, Sound and Vision, with a focus on local artists' experiments with sight and sound. The show comprises five exhibitions, including Oh! You Pretty Things (another Bowie nod), which focuses on indie rock and poster design, and Sensation, which offers art from hearing- and vision-impaired students. Sound and Vision opens with a free public reception at 6 p.m. Friday, January 20, and continues through Saturday, March 17. The gallery is open every day except Monday.
Tuesdays-Sundays. Starts: Jan. 20. Continues through March 17, 2012