
Apr 12, 2006 at 4:00 am
We could always use a little extra cash, but the past week has found us particularly penniless (thanks a lot, Duke). So when we heard rumblings about the Tranny Roadshow, we thought: How fortuitous! Finally, we can get some professionals to put a price our Dolly Parton wigs, shimmery pantyhose and darned impressive array of falsies. But then we learned that this is not an appraisal-fest — à la PBS' long-running Antiques Roadshow — but rather a smart, fun celebration of transgendered artists. Works for us: The transgendered community continues its fight for deserved acceptance, and the cheekily named Tranny Roadshow brings writers, musicians, comedians and actors — each of whom identify as transgendered — together for a multimedia performance that's as entertaining as it is enlightening. Spend time with violinist/vocalist Tona Brown, author Dylan Scholinksi and Denver Zine Library founders Jamez Terry and Kelly Shortandqueer, among others, from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Ursa's Fireside Café on the campus of Washington University (Forsyth and Skinker boulevards). Admission is free; for more information call 314-935-2200 or e-mail [email protected]. And who knows — maybe one of those Antiques Roadshow appraisers will show up in a Cher outfit. Trompe l'oeil, indeed!
Wed., April 12