Ted Nugent Sends New Book to Sarah Palin

Sep 17, 2008 at 12:17 pm

From an email press release I just got:

Sarah Palin was the first name on TED NUGENT’s list to receive an advance copy of TED, WHITE & BLUE: THE NUGENT MANIFESTO, comprised of 16 chapters on how to fix America. This week, the multi-platinum guitar icon, best-selling author and outspoken activist sent the book—due October 6 via Regnery Publishing—to Palin with a note in praise of the vice presidential nominee’s “bold spirit.”

Nugent describes his book as "Brutal honesty and irrefutable evidence that the amazing quality American Dream that is my life is available to anyone willing to fight for rugged individualism and genuine independence by putting their heart and soul into being the very best that they can be, even when it is difficult and trying.” He adds: “If a wild guitar player like me can be an asset to self, family, community, country, mankind and the good earth, nobody has an excuse to be a liability. Doing the right thing is ridiculously easy and always much more satisfying."

Wikimedia Commons

Nugent performs at a USO show in 2004 in Naples, Italy.
Nugent performs at a USO show in 2004 in Naples, Italy.

Nugent performs at a USO show in 2004 in Naples, Italy.

His entire letter to her, after the jump.

Dear Governor Palin,

Please accept this copy of my new book, "TED WHITE & BLUE-The Nugent Manifesto" for you and your family. As a proud fellow American hunter, fisherman and lover of Alaska's soul cleansing magnificent Spirit of the Wild, we who live our American Dream by God, truth, logic, goodwill and decency, thank you for bringing such defiant common sense and self evident truth back to the GOP and politics. We wish you Godspeed for the best hunting and fishing season of your life and pray to God almighty that you bring your bold spirit to the White House.


American BloodBrothers, Ted Nugent and family