Cards Blog: Nice Line in Deadspin Comments Thread

May 13, 2008 at 2:25 pm

A recent post on addresses rumors that Jim Edmonds might sign with the Chicago Cubs.

Not surprisingly, Deadspin founder Will Leitch blanches at the mere thought -- though fortunately, as he points out, Cubs fans do too.

Anyhoo, commenting on Leitch's kicker -- "By the way, this move is probably not good business for Edmonds' new restaurant/nightclub in St. Louis" -- one Deadspin reader writes:

...Edmonds' new restaurant/nightclub in St. Louis.

I've been there. It's a dive.


If that's a result of Deadspin "Comment Ombudsman" Rob Iracane's call for commenters to "Don't be cruel without also being funny," then Unreal's all for it.
