The Three Best Blog Posts from Urban Science Adventures!

Mar 4, 2010 at 8:25 am
Meet DN Lee, author of Urban Science Adventures! Lee is one of thirteen local bloggers profiled in this week's feature story. In that spirit, we've asked her to submit their three favorite posts from Urban Science Adventures! to give you a sample of what makes her blog great.

Go to our favorite blogger archive page to see more local bloggers' all-time favorite posts.

*Meet these bloggers in-person for our first-ever RFT blogger happy hour at 5 p.m. on Friday at Blueberry Hill on Delmar. (We've conveniently scheduled it at 5 p.m. for your sake: you have a legit reason to cut work early!)*

Now, for Lee's three favorite posts:
DN Lee, the author behind Urban Science Adventures! - Photo: Emily Good
Photo: Emily Good
DN Lee, the author behind Urban Science Adventures!
1. Urban Wildlife Watch - Redbuds - April 2008
My Urban Wildlife Watch is a series of posts of wildlife (plants, animals and animal signs) common in many urban and suburban area. This particular post marks the beginning of me taking big steps to including more graphics in my posts. The pictures were taken by me - and I'm quite proud of my amateur photog skills demonstrated. This post was especially relevant because I had only recently learned to identify this tree and had visited the state nursey to pick up a big order. Suddenly, I was seeing redbuds everywhere and I was excited to share the experience with my readers.

2. 100 + Things You Can Do Outside! January 2009
I think young people (and adults) today suffer from Nature Deficit Disorder. They need to get outside and refresh themselves. I recommend 100+things to do outdoors - for kids alone or with an adult - to get them moving, enjoying ourdoor activities, and learning new things at their own pace. And it provides perfecting blogging prompts when I'm feeling blocked.

3. Charles Henry Turner: Animal Behavior Scientist February 2009
This post means so much to me for many reasons: a) Dr. Turner was an African-American scientist in animal behavior like me. b) He lived right here in St. Louis, in the Ville. He taught at Sumner and Turner School is named after him. c) Like me, he did 'backyard biology', studying readily accesible subjects in local parks and nature areas. He studied bees at O'Fallon Park in North St. Louis.